東電福島第一原発事故で放出された、ヨウ素131とセシウム137の沈着量シュミレーション 日本原子力研究開発機構 2011年9月6日付け 2011年3月12日から4月30まで積算沈着量の動画
4. Report to the Japan Atomic Energy Commission, etc. (2011.9.6, etc.): Analysis on dispersion and surface deposition of I-131 and Cs-137 over Eastern Japan by WSPEEDI
WSPEEDI analysis on dispersion and surface deposition of I-131 and Cs-137 over Eastern Japan until the end of April was carried out, and the results were provided to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (news release on 31 Aug. (in Japanese)), Ibaraki Prefecture on 2 Sep. (See more detailed information here (in Japanese).), and the Japan Atomic Energy Commission on 6 Sep. Especially, the report to the Japan Atomic Energy Commission includes the analysis on daily fall out as well as total deposition of Cs-137 until the end of April. (See more detailed information here (in Japanese).)
Atmospheric dispersion analysis: Dispersion and surface deposition of I-131 over Eastern Japan (2-D animation)
How to see the movie: The spatial distribution of deposited I-131 is shown by color shade, and the movement of radioactive plume is shown by blue contours of surface concentration of I-131 (Bq/m3). The Universal Time Constant (UTC) is presented at the top (Japanese Standard Time: + 9 hours).
Atmospheric dispersion analysis: Dispersion and surface deposition of Cs-137 over Eastern Japan (2-D animation)
How to see the movie: The spatial distribution of deposited Cs-137 is shown by color shade, and the movement of radioactive plume is shown by blue contours of surface concentration of Cs-137 (Bq/m3). The Universal Time Constant (UTC) is presented at the top (Japanese Standard Time: + 9 hours).
東電福島第一原発事故で放出された、ヨウ素131とセシウム137の沈着量シュミレーション 日本政府からIAEAに報告された動画
Atmospheric dispersion analysis: Dispersion and surface deposition of I-131 over Eastern Japan (3-D animation)
How to see the movie: The spatial distribution of deposited I-131 is shown by color shade (brown to red), and the movement of radioactive plume is shown by iso-surface (gray, purple) of air concentration of I-131 (Bq/m3), and rain distribution is shown by color shade (light blue to purple). The Universal Time Constant (UTC) is presented at the top (Japanese Standard Time: + 9 hours). This movie shows that the increase of deposition amount occured when the radioactive plume encountered rainband.
Atmospheric dispersion analysis: Dispersion and surface deposition of Cs-137 over Eastern Japan (3-D animation)
How to see the movie: The spatial distribution of deposited Cs-137 is shown by color shade (brown to red), and the movement of radioactive plume is shown by iso-surface (gray, purple) of air concentration of Cs-137 (Bq/m3), and rain distribution is shown by color shade (light blue to purple). The Universal Time Constant (UTC) is presented at the top (Japanese Standard Time: + 9 hours). This movie shows that the increase of deposition amount occured when the radioactive plume encountered rainband.
ヨウ素131の表面沈着量(平成23年3月25日 0時現在)積算値 日本原子力研究開発機構 2011年3月24日