
Anti-Nuclear Talk re Fukushima Disaster


【日時】 8月14日(水) 18時~21時 ※その後、懇親会あり

【会場】 Aldred Church at St Albans Uniting Parish,Cristchurch

【講演者】川根 眞也 Shinay Kawane

Begins at 6:00 pm with a shared supper (Please bring a plate of finger food to share)

followed by the speaker’s presentation from 7:00 pm.

【主催】Pressbyperian Church Joohong牧師

【問い合わせ】 021-1830-443 川根(~8/17まで)

 ‘Anti-Nuclear - Reflections from the Fukushima Disaster’
Wednesday 14th August
Shared supper at 6pm; Speaker’s presentation from 7:00 pm.
St Alban’s Uniting Church
(Corner of Nancy Avenue and Knowles St, Mairehau)
Crossway Community Church has invited Shinya Kawane to speak while visiting Christchurch and welcomes any others interested to join us.
Shinya was a science teacher at a Intermediate school in Saitama. After the disaster on March 11th 2011 he established an organisation which educates citizens on the dangers of internal exposure to radiation. He is involved in research and gives public talks on issues relating to radiation. Shinya recently spent time in Belarus studying the effects on people’s health as a result of the Chernobyl disaster.